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ab0ut uS

ab0ut uS
we are students of Institut Sains Dan Teknologi Darul Takzim "INSTEDT" create this blog to complete our group project assignment in Subject CSC 134, thought our lecturer Miss Nor Azleen bt Azib. This blog give you a lot of information about ghost. DARE YOU TO FACE YOUR OWN FEAR.. please view our blog using firefox.. thank you

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A ghost has been define as the disembodied spirit or soul of a dead person, although in popular usage the term refers only to the apparition of such a person. It also described as immaterial and partly transparent, ghosts are reported to haunt particular locations or people that they were associated with in life or at time of death.

Aishah Story

Dalam kebanyakan cerita seram yang ditunjukkan di televisyen, ia menayangkan bahawa hantu puntianak membunuh mangsanya dengan menghisap darah di bahagian tengkuk mangsa. Namun begitu di dunia yang nyata, tiada kes dilaporkan mengenai adanya manusia yang mati dibunuh oleh puntianak.

Puntianak ini dikatakan mempunyai lubang dibelakang tengkuknya. Sesiapa yang berjaya hidup ketika berjumpa puntianak dalam jelmaan wanita dan memasukkan paku ke dalam lubang ini dikatakan menjadikan puntianak tersebut kekal menjadi wanita cantik. Sekiranya paku itu dikeluarkan, ia akan kembali sebagai puntianak. Bagaimanapun, anda dinasihatkan agar tidak cuba memaku mana-mana wanita yang dijumpai kerana akhirnya anda mungkin akan dituduh membunuh.

Hantu puntianak dikatakan sering menjelma sebagai wanita cantik yang berjalan seorang diri dijalan yang sunyi. Oleh itu, cerita ini kemungkinan bertujuan menghindari golongan wanita daripada diganggu oleh pemuda-pemuda yang takutkan puntianak ketika berjalan seorang diri di jalan yang sunyi.
Aishah (bukan nama sebenar) adalah seorang gadis kampung yang pemalu. Dia berhijrah ke ibukota sekitar tahun 1984. Aishah mengalami sejenis penyakit di mana matanya sangat sensitif terhadap cahaya yang terang. Sebab itulah Aishah sentiasa memakai kaca mata hitam. Dan Aishah paling pantang jikalau ada sesiapa yang mengambil gambarnya. Kerana dia sensitif terhadap 'flash' yang dikeluarkan oleh kamera. Cahaya yang terang akan menyebabkan Aishah mengalami migrain yang teruk.

Pernah sekali kilang tempat Aishah bekerja mengadakan jamuan tahunan. Jurugambar yang ditugaskan mengambil gambar tiba-tiba ter-snap gambar Aishah. Lantas Aishah terus mengalami sakit kepala yang teramat sangat sehingga berbuih mulutnya menahan kesakitan. Dia meronta-ronta di atas lantai sehinggalah pihak ambulan sampai. Selama 3 hari Aishah ditempatkan di hospital di dalam bilik yang istimewa di mana lampu dipadamkan dan hanya dibuka bila perlu. Jurugambar tersebut juga datang melawat Aishah dan meminta maaf kepadanya.

Sejak hari itu Aishah telah berhenti kerja. Doktor membekalkannya beberapa jenis ubat-ubatan dan disuruh agar berehat untuk satu jangkamasa yang lama. Dia hanya duduk di rumah sahaja dan hanya keluar pada waktu malam di mana cahaya tidak begitu terang untuk membeli makanan. Teman serumah yang simpati dengan keadaan Aishah mengizinkannya tinggal sementara di rumah tersebut tanpa perlu membayar sewa sehingga dia benar-benar sihat untuk pulang ke kampung.

Setelah sebulan, kini Aishah sudah sihat sepenuhnya. maka tibalah masa untuk Aishah pulang ke kampung. Pada malam itu Aishah keluar dari rumah untuk menuju ke stesen bas. Dalam perjalanan dia telah diculik oleh 4 lelaki yang menaiki sebuah kereta. Dia dibawa ke sebuah rumah kosong dan diikat kaki dan tangannya ke sebuah tiang. Aishah menangis meminta simpati. Pakaiannya ditanggalkan satu persatu dan dirogol secara bergilir-gilir. Salah seorang dari perogol tersebut mengeluarkan kamera untuk mengambil gambar perbuatan terkutuk itu. Aishah merayu supaya gambarnya tidak diambil. Dia cuba menerangkan mengenai keadaan penyakitnya yang sensitif terhadap cahaya. Namun penjahat tersebut tidak menghiraukan rayuan Aishah. Kali pertama gambar diambil, lampu flash yang menyilaukan itu menyebabkan penyakit Aishah datang kembali. Kepalanya sangat sakit. Dia menjerit-jerit kesakitan dan pada masa yang sama masih dirogol oleh 4 lelaki durjana tersebut.

Gambar diambil dengan bertubi-tubi. Setiap kali lampu flash tersebut terkena matanya, kepalanya merasa bagaikan dihiris-hiris. Itu belum dikira dengan kesakitan diperkosa dan penderitaan psikologi yang dialaminya ketika itu. Darah mula mengalir melalui hidung, telinga dan matanya. Setelah menderita diperkosa selama 4 jam, Aishah dibawa ke atas sebuah jambatan. Dan dia dicampak hidup-hidup dalam keadaan sakit kepala yang kronik dan badan yang lemah tidak bermaya.

Sebelum dicampak Aishah sempat berkata, "Sesiapa yang melihat gambarku yang diambil tanpa rela, aku akan seksa mereka di dalam mimpi dengan kesakitan yang sama yang aku alami. Aku sumpah. Dalam matiku sekalipun, celakalah mereka yang melihat gambarku!"

Keesokkan paginya 4 lelaki durjana itu pergi ke kedai foto untuk mencuci gambar yang mereka ambil. Sejumlah wang telah diberikan kepada tokei kedai gambar untuk merahsiakan perihal gambar yang dicuci. Mereka ketawa terbahak-bahak melihat gambar Aishah yang tidak berdaya dalam keadaan bogel yang sungguh memalukan itu.

Tiba-tiba kereta yang mereka naiki mengalami kemalangan dan terlanggar dahan pokok yang terjatuh ke atas jalanraya. Dahan pokok tersebut tembus melalui enjin kereta dan terus menusuk kepala pemandu. Dia mati di tempat kejadian.

Lelaki durjana yang kedua mati petang itu di hospital akibat pendarahan kepala yang teruk..

Lelaki ke-tiga selamat dari kemalangan dan dibenarkan pulang. Tetapi dalam perjalanan pulang dia tersandung dan terjatuh ke dalam longkang yang dalam. kakinya patah dan tidak mampu untuk memanjat kembali ke atas. Akhirnya mati lemas kerana ketika itu hujan turun selebat-lebatnya dan air naik dengan cepat.

Lelaki ke-empat pulang ke rumah. Pada malam itu dia bermimpi Aishah datang menemuinya dan memukul kepalanya dengan sebatang kayu. Pabila terjaga dia merasakan sakit kepala yang sangat teruk. Sakit kepala yang terlalu kronik sehingga dia hilang pertimbangan dan mengores-goreskan garfu ke kepalanya hingga berdarah. Dia kini menyesal dan merasakan dia sudah terkena sumpahan Aishah. Lantas dia menyerah diri ke balai polis berdekatan dan menceritakan semua perkara terkutuk yang dilakukannya terhadap Aishah yang malang itu. Semua gambar-gambar Aishah yang diambil ketika dirogol diserahkan kepada pihak polis. Pihak polis menahan lelaki ini di dalam lokap dan terus menjalankan operasi mencari Aishah.

Lelaki tersebut akhirnya mati di dalam lokap kerana menghantukkan kepalanya sendiri ke dinding ekoran dari sakit kepala yang tidak tertahan lagi.

Selepas 2 hari, mayat Aishah ditemui terapung di sungai. Dia dibawa ke hospital untuk bedah siasat dan dikenalpasti identitinya.

Doktor yang menjalankan bedah siasat mengambil sekeping gambar mayat Aishah untuk direkodkan. Apabila flash kamera tersebut memancar, jantung Aishah kembali berdegut buat seketika. Dan kedengaran mayat tersebut menghembuskan nafas. Perkara ini sangat memeningkan doktor itu.
Selepas gambar mayat dicuci, doktor tersebut ditemui mati kerana overdose makan ubat penahan sakit.

Diceritakan gambar yang disimpan oleh pihak polis kini dimusnahkan kerana sesiapa yang melihat gambar itu dilaporkan mengalami mimpi ngeri dan sakit kepala yang sangat teruk. Hari ini, gambar post-mortem mayat Aishah sudah ditemui kembali. Kes ini dirahsiakan daripada pengetahuan umum kerana sumpahan ini masih belum dapat diatasi. Dan sesiapa yang melihat gambar ini, malam nanti Aishah akan datang di dalam mimpi, dan apabila terjaga akan mengalami sakit kepala yang kronik. Mengikut pengalaman, imej tersebut akan menghantui pemandangan anda sehingga di mana-mana sahaja anda lihat, gambar mayat Aishah akan menjelma dalam pandangan anda.

Tak percaya? Cuba pejamkan mata dan dongak ke atas. Apa yang anda lihat?

Untuk mengelakkan dari terkena sumpahan Aishah, jangan lihat terus ke matanya. Jangan hantar gambar ini kepada sesiapapun jika anda masih sayangkan mereka.


Haunted Room...

This story I still bearing in my mind. I do not want to make the entire reader scare but maybe that’s just my friends experience to share. However, this experience was whispered to my ears by my own friends, Qin (now she studies in University).

Let me just call her Siti (same as my name). Siti was studying in a university further to the east coast of my country. The hostels are beautifully designed, and it was built facing the ocean. Sunset was always beautiful there, and it was the attraction of tourists from all over the world.

She was taking Office Management and technology too, just like me. She stayed in one of the oldest hostels, where each room was occupied with only two beds. The hostel was neat, and it was taken care of by an old lady who had been working there since the first batch of students registered. I will just call this old lady Mrs. Nora.

One night, Siti came back late from revision. It was already 10:30 p.m. She was too tired to ask her roommate to accompany her to the toilet. So she decided to go alone. On her way, she saw Mrs. Nora holding her broom, putting a grim face and somewhat concerned.

"What's wrong?" Siti was friendly, and she always greeted Mrs. Nora whenever they met. On that particular night, Siti sensed something was bothering Mrs. Nora.

"Go to the toilet, quick! I'll wait for you here. I have something to tell you," Mrs. Nora kept her grim face unchanged, and it doubled the curiosity in Siti's mind.

"Okay, Madam. Just give me 5 minutes,” sighed, but she didn't have the heart to reject Mrs. Nora's invitation to chat, even though she was damn tired and wanted to sleep real badly.

Soon afterwards, both of them were sprawled on the hard, cemented corridor, ignoring the cold air that began to creep under their garments. Siti looked straight into Mrs. Nora's eyes. Mrs. Nora’s didn't even blink.

"Have you ever noticed a girl who occupied the cube next to yours?" asked Mrs. Nora’s.
"The one with the hijab?" Siti asked, trying to confirm which girl that was referred to by Mrs. Noras. Out of nowhere, Siti thought it was natural to pick up to that particular girl, because she was the weird one. Nobody knew her, not even her name. She came and went like an anonymous person. Not like the other girl who also occupied the same room. The girl's name is Katrina.
"Yeah. She's the one. She's no longer here. It was terrible. Scary. Unbelievable, but it's true." Mrs. Nora shook her head several times, as if trying to deny her own story.

"What happened to her?" Siti was getting excited, and she had forgotten how tired she was. She could still remember the time when she accidentally bumped into the weird girl. The girl didn't even look at her. Siti leaned against the cold slab of wall at the corridor, provoking Mrs. Nora’s to blurt out the whole thing faster.

"Yesterday, Katrina came to me crying. She said something happened inside the cube the night before. She said she didn't want to stay with the weird girl anymore."

"Why?" Siti didn't have the patient to wait.

"That night, Katrina was already on her bed when the weird girl came back from God knows where. However, Katrina didn't have the mood to try initiating a little pillow chat with the girl. So she pretended to be asleep. But she kept one of her eyes open just a little, because she had began to feel suspicious about the girl. They hadn't even talked since the first day they occupied the room."

"Then?" asked Siti, prompting Mrs. Noras further.

"Katrina saw the girl lighted at least seven pieces of candles, and she didn't even take off her hijab. Katrina peeped from under the blanket, and she saw the most terrifying incident soon afterwards."

"What?" Siti gulped, feeling uncomfortable all of a sudden. Chill wind really made an effect to her skin then. All hair on her arms stood on ends.

"She saw the girl turned and twisted her hand, reaching for the light switch that was situated at the far end of the room. Her hands stretched just like rubber-bands. Katrina was totally scared but she didn't dare do anything until the next day."

"Tell me more." Siti was now gasping a bit, starting to feel awkward talking about it at the exact place were it really happened. The cube was just over there, and she had to pass it in order to be in her own cube.

"The next day, Katrina went to the warden to report about the incident. She brought along an objection letter refusing to share a room with that weird girl. And the funny thing was, when the warden checked, only confusion surfaced. The girl was never there. Katrina had been living all alone all this while." Mrs. Nora’s nodded, as if she knew Siti would ask her whether it was a joke.

"Until now, the weird girl just vanished. Whoop! She's gone, for good I hope. And now Katrina has been moved to a new block. Poor girl. She must be very shocked." Mrs. Nora’s twisted her face a little, and gave out a small sigh.

That was what Siti told me, based on what Mrs. Nora told her. Even though I wouldn't want to believe it, I knew it was real. I hope it won't happen to me, nor to you..

So I wish you all good luck and be brave. I know this story always happened I think all readers already know about this story…Maybe same like you.


Pontianak Zoom in …..

Look at this scary pontianak ghost which i found from primbon.com. it is really scary is not it? Look at her body and her white hands that looked like a monster and. how if the ghost accompany you, when you are sleeping. Do you think that this ghost picture is real? i dont think so, i think this is not a real ghost picture, it is too impossible for some one to capture a ghost picture like this. As close as this and as real as this picture i mean. it is looked like a movie scene. just look at the environment color. this is indicate that there some thing manipulated with shadow dark and gold color. but it is really fun for us is not it it is a great work for the person who capture it. Thumb up for you!!!


Pocong Wake Up!!

Some people say that the scariest ghost in east country is Pocong. Definitely I agree with this opinion. It is known if someone forgets to release the tie of the death’s shroud, the corpse will rise from their grave and ask everyone to release the bond. This is a photo of Pocong’s appearance in a hospital. What does it actually want to do?


Pontianak Around You

In my opinion, both Pocong and Pontianak are the scariest ghosts in Indonesia nor in Malaysia. Which one for you? However, this picture shows us how Pontianak looks like. It is very clear that she has a very long hair. Can’t you notice that?


Hospital Ghost

This is an appearance in the hospital. This is one reason why I don’t like to go to hospital. I’m afraid to experience this moment again. I do hope this is for the last time.


4th floor (instedt college)

Anyway, let me offer you this story of mine. It happened on my 1st year in INSTEDT, when I stayed in the class.

That semester when I was part 2, the famous story about “kakak pegang fail” or in English also known as “Lady bring file”. All students that already know about that story feel scared to go at 4th floor at computer lab. (Now that lab as my class for OMT 200).

The lab is located on the top floor, 4th floor. Regarding to that photo, the student that snaps the photo already knew no one inside that lab. They snap that photo in the morning because they first came and they felt boring so just for fun they snap the photo. After they looked at the photo, she noticed that had some one inside the class. Then it looked like a girl wearing a black scarf and smiled inside that photo. It was very shock and panic. So now who was in the lab??? Until now no answer for that.

Another story relate to that is, I hear from my friend (no need to mention) She said the cleaner always see the some one lady bring file and walk around 4th floor but no class at the 4th floor. The file that the lady brings is like an old file that had been use few years ago. Now we use the latest file and the file that the lady hold is no longer used The cleaner did not ask or talk to the lady, the cleaner just ignore because it always happen and the lady (ghost) not disturb others.

Now 4th floor is very busy because HES was move at that floor and the area is not so gloomy. Lady bring file still in my memory.

Any similar story to share?